The Most Powerful Natural Antioxidant in the World!
Wild Olive Leaf Extract!
Wild Trees
We use only the leaves from wild olive trees - a guarantee for their purity and extream content of polyphenols!
Only Fresh Leaves
We use only fresh leaves, which have not undergone any other processing - they have kept everything that is valuable within them!
Leaves Collected only Sringtime
We collect the leaves for Olive Boost only during the Spring - proven by our experience guarantee for the highest possible content of polyphenols!
Water Extract, No Alcohol and Chemicals Used
Fully environmentally friendly technology, without the use of any alcohols or chemicals in the production of Olive Boost!
Unique Technology and Know-How
Technology developed and refined in the last 10 years - a guarantee for the unique qualities of Olive Boost!
The Experience of Four Generations
The experience of four generations in olives growing and processing - Olive Boost - the best what we have been able to create till today!
Recommended daily dose and intake:
Take twice a day - 10 drops each time, diluted in water, juice, smoothie or any other drink of your choice. Prophylactic intake of the product has many health benefits in the long run. There are no restrictions on the duration of the intake.